Paying bills is a routine financial task. And yet, as familiar as most of us are with the concept, helping senior citizens and those with disabilities pay bills can be complicated. Or stressful. Or technologically frustrating. Or time-consuming. Or all the above.
Would simplifying and securing bill paying for your elderly relative or close friend help you? Our bill paying services for the elderly help caregivers by bringing peace of mind to a major part of senior care: daily money management. We can pay your loved one’s bills in a timely manner while guarding their personal information.
How do we do it? First, by being real people, who meet and talk to you, or the seniors we’re serving. No call centers. No online chat queues. Baker DMM provides bill pay services for seniors with actual human interaction guiding and protecting your loved along the way. After a brief set-up period, we manage the process independently, without disrupting anyone’s routines.
Baker DMM will utilize the simplest and most cost-effective method to pay your bills. If you currently use paper, or would prefer paper at first, and then go to digital, we can do this for you as well. We’ll organize paper bills, invoices, loan statements, etc., and convert them to a digital format. We suggest helping senior citizens pay bills electronically through their bank because all the bills are paid from a single account, the proof of payment records are in one place, and it eliminates possible late fees caused by slow or delayed mail delivery. It also allows us to schedule automated payments, making bill paying for seniors even easier.
This automation, paired with our personal, one on one services makes bill paying services for seniors safe. You’ll have full access to our detailed record keeping, plus you can verify payments and account status via your banking website anytime. Overall, our processes efficient, and in the end, saves everyone time and our clients’ money.
Wondering how to get started with Baker DMM’s bill paying services for seniors?
That’s also an easy and stress-free process: click here. Or call us, 678.828.4314 now.