Does this surprise you?
There’s a lot we don’t know about caring for our aging population.
There is very limited research about the obstacles and rewards families encounter during the caregiving journey, and even less information about what caregivers and care recipients need regarding financial caregiving. Filling this knowledge gap is critical because as our society ages, the specific demand for assistance with financial caregiving will increase.
Eldercare Industry Resources
The National Aging in Place Council (NAIPC) offers a robust list of resources for seniors
Independence, Technology, and Connection in Older Age, Report to the President, President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST), The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy
Department of Justice – Elder Initiatives
The Journey of Caregiving: Honor, Responsibility and Financial Complexity, A Merrill Lynch study, conducted in partnership with Age Wave, October 2017
AICPA Elder Planning Services, Journal of Accountancy Daily Money Management